.NET interface for FSUIPC
Classes | |
class | AIPlaneInfo |
A class holding information about an AI traffic plane. More... | |
class | AIPlaneInfoCollection |
A strongly-types list of AI Planes. More... | |
class | AirportsDatabase |
A class that reads the files produced by Pete Dowson's MakeRunways.exe and provides your application with a database of airports with runway, helipad, gate and taxiway information. More... | |
class | AITrafficServices |
A class that provides information about the AI aircraft in Flight Simulator. This reads the TCAS tables from FSUIPC and presents the information in a .NET friendly collection of AIPlaneInfo classes. More... | |
class | DBConfig |
Holds the state of the internal Airports database files. More... | |
class | FsAirport |
A class holding all the information about an Airport. More... | |
class | FsAirportCollection |
A strongly-typed list of Airports. More... | |
class | FsAirportComFrequency |
A class holding details about a COM frequency used at an airport. More... | |
class | FsAirportComFrequencyCollection |
A strongly-typed list of COM Frequency classes. More... | |
struct | FsAltitude |
A structure representing an altitude value in MS Flight Simulator. More... | |
class | FsBitArray |
Manages an array of bit values, which are represented as Booleans, where true indicates that the bit is on (1) and false indicates the bit is off (0). More... | |
class | FsCloudLayer |
A class representing the settings for a cloud layer. More... | |
struct | FsFrequencyADF |
A struct representing a ADF frequency used in FlightSim. This can convert between strings, decimal and FSUIPC's BCD format for offsets. More... | |
struct | FsFrequencyCOM |
A struct representing a COM frequency used in FlightSim. This can convert between strings, decimal and FSUIPC's BCD format for offsets. More... | |
struct | FsFrequencyNAV |
A struct representing a NAV frequency used in FlightSim. This can convert between strings, decimal and FSUIPC's BCD format for offsets. More... | |
class | FsFuelTank |
Represents a fuel tank in an aircraft in Flight Simulator. More... | |
class | FsFuelTanksCollection |
A collection of FsFuelTank objects. More... | |
class | FsGate |
A class holding all the information about an airport gate. More... | |
class | FsGatesCollection |
A strongly-typed list of Gates. More... | |
class | FsHelipad |
A class holding all the information about a helipad. More... | |
class | FsHelipadsCollection |
A strongly-typed collection of helipads. More... | |
class | FsHVar |
Represents an HVar in MSFS. More... | |
class | FsILSInfo |
A class holding information about the ILS facilities for a runway. More... | |
struct | FsLatitude |
A structure representing a latitude value in MS Flight Simulator. More... | |
struct | FsLatitudeSpan |
Represents a span of latitude in MS Flight Simulator. More... | |
struct | FsLatLonCircle |
Represents an circular area in FS defined with a centre Lat, Lon point and a radius. More... | |
class | FsLatLonLineSegment |
Represents a line segment on the Earth that runs between. More... | |
struct | FsLatLonPoint |
A point in the Flight Simulator world represented by a longitude and latitude. More... | |
class | FsLatLonPolygon |
This defines a closed polygon defined by a series of Lat/Lon points (vertices). There can be any number of points. Unlike FsLatLonQuadrilateral this class supports concave shapes and complex shapes (having self-instersecting sides). More... | |
struct | FsLatLonQuadrilateral |
Represents an Quadrilateral area in FS bounded by four Latitude/Longitude coordinates. Note that only Convex Quadrilateral shapes will work properly. Concave shapes will not. For concave shapes use FsLatLonPolygon instead. More... | |
struct | FsLineSegmentIntersection |
Holds information about line segment intersections. More... | |
struct | FsLongitude |
A structure representing a longitude value in MS Flight Simulator. More... | |
struct | FsLongitudeSpan |
Represents a span of longitude in MS Flight Simulator. More... | |
class | FsLVar |
Represents an LVar in MSFS. More... | |
class | FsPayloadStation |
Represents a payload station of an aircraft in Flight Simulator. More... | |
struct | FsPolygonIntersection |
Holds information about the intersection point on the border of a FsLatLonPolygon. More... | |
class | FsPositionSnapshot |
Stores a snaptshot of the position of the player aircraft. More... | |
class | FsPressure |
A class representing the settings for the air pressure. More... | |
class | FsRunway |
A class holding all the information about a runway. More... | |
class | FsRunwayCollection |
A strongly-typed list of Runways. More... | |
struct | FsRunwayID |
Represents a runway identifier for flight sim. More... | |
class | FsRunwayLightsInfo |
A class holding information about the types of lighting available on a runway. More... | |
class | FsRunwayPatternInfo |
A class holding information about the traffic pattern for a runway. More... | |
class | FsTaxiway |
A class holding information about a Taxiway. More... | |
class | FsTaxiwayCollection |
A strongly-typed collection of taxiways. More... | |
class | FsTaxiwayIntersection< T > |
A class holding information about a Taxiway Segment. More... | |
class | FsTaxiwayIntersectionCollection< T > |
A strongly-typed collection of taxiway intersections. More... | |
class | FsTaxiwaySegment |
A class holding information about a Taxiway Segment. More... | |
class | FsTemperatureLayer |
A class representing the settings for a temperature layer. More... | |
struct | FsTransponderCode |
A struct representing a Transponder Code used in FlightSim. This can convert between strings, integers and FSUIPC's BCD format for offsets. More... | |
class | FSUIPCConnection |
A class that handles communication and data transfer to and from Pete Dowson's FSUIPC or WideFS. More... | |
class | FSUIPCException |
A exception that gets thrown if an error occurs during an FSUIPC operation. More... | |
class | FSUIPCStruct |
Represents a data structure that can be read to or written from FSUIPC. Define your class inheriting from this class. Declare public fields of type FSUIPCStructField for each field in the structure. More... | |
class | FSUIPCStructField< T > |
Represents a field in a struct that will be used to get data to and from an FSUIPC Offset. More... | |
class | FSUIPCStructFieldArray< T > |
Represents an array in an FSUIPC struct to be used to get data to and from an offset. More... | |
struct | FSUIPCVersion |
Represents the version number of FSUIPC. More... | |
class | FsVASILightInfo |
A class holding information about the VASI Lights for a runway. More... | |
struct | FsVersion |
A struct representing the type and version of the Flight Simulator the DLL is talking to. More... | |
class | FsVisibilityLayer |
A class representing the settings for a visibility layer. More... | |
class | FsWeather |
The main Weather object holding all the weather information. More... | |
class | FsWindLayer |
A class representing the settings for a wind layer. More... | |
class | HVarCollection |
A collection of HVars. More... | |
class | LogEventArgs |
Class that is passed to the Logging event handler. Contains the Log message. More... | |
class | LVarCollection |
A collection of LVars. More... | |
class | LVarEvent |
Class that is passed to the LVAR OnValueChanged handler. Contains the LVar that changed. More... | |
class | MSFSVariableServices |
Allows direct access to LVars and HVars via John Dowson's WASM module. Only works for MSFS. You and your users must have John's WASM module installed. John's FSUIPC_WAPID.dll must also be accessible from your .exe. Either include it in your distribution to be in the same folder as your exe file. OR place the DLL in a folder included in the windows PATH. More... | |
class | Offset |
Represents an item of data that can be read from or written to an FSUIPC offset. More... | |
class | Offset< T > |
Represents an item of strongly-typed data that can be read from or written to an FSUIPC offset. More... | |
class | PayloadServices |
A class that provides information about the Fuel and Payload of the current aircraft. More... | |
class | PlayerLocationInfo |
Holds details about the current Airport, Gate, Runway, Helipad and Taxiway the player is currently at/on. More... | |
class | PMDG_737_50_Only |
A helper class containing all the known offsets for the PMDG 737 Aircraft. More... | |
class | PMDG_737_5_Only |
A helper class containing all the known offsets for the PMDG 737 Aircraft. More... | |
class | PMDG_737_NGX_Offsets |
A helper class containing all the known offsets for the PMDG 737 Aircraft. More... | |
class | PMDG_737_PB_Only |
A helper class containing all the known offsets for the PMDG 737 Aircraft. More... | |
class | PMDG_747QOTSII_Offsets |
A helper class containing all the known offsets for the PMDG 747 Queen of the Skies II Aircraft. More... | |
class | PMDG_777X_Offsets |
A helper class containg all the known offsets for the PMDG 747 Queen of the Skies II Aircraft. More... | |
struct | PMDG_NGX_CDU_Cell |
Represents a cell on the CDU. Holds information about the symbol displayed in the cell. More... | |
struct | PMDG_NGX_CDU_Row |
Represents an entire row of cells on the CDU. More... | |
class | PMDG_NGX_CDU_Screen |
Represents a CDU screen in a PMDG aircraft. More... | |
class | Statistics |
Contains statistical information about the calls to FSUIPC. More... | |
struct | StatsGroupInfo |
Information about a group of offsets. More... | |
struct | StatsProcess |
A structure containing statistics about Process() calls requested by your application. More... | |
class | TextMenu |
class | UserInputButtonEventArgs |
Information about the Joystick press made by the user. More... | |
class | UserInputKeyEventArgs |
Information about the Key press made by the user. More... | |
class | UserInputMenuEventArgs |
Information about the menu selected by the user. More... | |
class | UserInputServices |
Class to easily manage user interaction in your FSUIPC application. Key strokes and Button presses can be registered and then detected when the user presses these keys or buttons in the Flight Sim application. Also Menu items can be added to flight sim and you can detect when the user selects them. More... | |
class | WeatherServices |
A class which handles all weather reading and writing. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | FSRunwayDesignator : byte { none , left , right , centre , water } |
Designator for FS Runways (left, right etc) More... | |
enum | ATCIdentifier : byte { TailNumber , AirlineAndFlightNumber , AircraftType , AircraftTitle , AircraftTypePlusLast3DigitsOfTailNumber , Model } |
Specifies a format for the ATCIdentifer property on AIPlaneInfo objects. More... | |
enum | FsControl { } |
A set of controls for Flight sim. More... | |
enum | FSUIPCControl { } |
A set of extra controls provided by FSUIPC. More... | |
enum | FSUIPCAutoPilotControl |
A set of extra controls provided to control the AutoPilot. More... | |
enum | FSUIPCAxisControl |
A set of controls to allow input into the 'Direct to FSUIPC Calibration' axes. | |
enum | PMControl |
A set of control for Project Magenta software. More... | |
enum | FlightSim { Any = 0 , FS98 = 1 , FS2K = 2 , CFS2 = 3 , CFS1 = 4 , FLY = 5 , FS2K2 = 6 , FS2K4 = 7 , FSX = 8 , ESP = 9 , Prepar3d = 10 , FSW = 11 , Prepar3dx64 = 12 , MSFS = 13 , MSFS2024 = 14 } |
Flight Simulator Version. More... | |
The 'traditional' error codes returned by the C version of the FSUIPC Client SDK. These error codes usually get returned in a variable called 'dwResult'. In this library, these error codes are returned in a .NET exception called FSUIPCClientException. More... | |
enum | AITrafficStatus : byte { StatusNotAvilable = 0 , Initialising = 0x80 , Sleeping = 0x81 , FilingFlightPlan = 0x82 , ObtainingClearance = 0x83 , PushingBack = 0x84 , PushingBackTurn = 0x85 , StartingUp = 0x86 , ReadyForTaxi = 0x87 , TaxiingOut = 0x88 , ReadyForTakeOff = 0x89 , TakingOff = 0x8A , Departing = 0x8B , Enroute = 0x8C , InThePattern = 0x8D , Landing = 0x8E , RollingOut = 0x8F , GoingAround = 0x90 , TaxiingIn = 0x91 , ShuttingDown = 0x92 } |
The state of an AI Traffic object. More... | |
enum | FSFuelTanks { Centre_Main , Left_Main , Right_Main , Left_Aux , Right_Aux , Left_Tip , Right_Tip , Centre_2 , Centre_3 , External_1 , External_2 } |
One of the known possible fuel tanks in Flight Sim. More... | |
enum | SendModifierKeys { Shift = 1 , Control = 2 , Tab = 4 , None = 8 , Alt = 16 , Windows = 32 , Menu = 64 } |
Modifier keys to be held while another key is pressed. More... | |
The log level for the WASM Module. More... | |
enum | OffsetAction { Autosense = 0 , Read = 1 , Write = 2 } |
Specifies an action to be performed by the offset on the next process. Normally Autosense (the default) works perfectly well. More... | |
enum | PMDG_737_NGX_Control |
Controls for all 737 Aircraft from PMDG (NGX, NG3, NGXu etc) and all flight sims (FSX, P3D and MSFS). More... | |
enum | PMDG_747QOTSII_Control |
Controls for the 777 Aircraft from PMDG. More... | |
enum | PMDG_777X_Control |
Controls for the 777 Aircraft from PMDG. More... | |
enum | PMDG_NGX_CDU_COLOR : byte { WHITE = 0 , CYAN = 1 , GREEN = 2 , MAGENTA = 3 , AMBER = 4 , RED = 5 } |
An enum representing the colour of a cell on the CDU. More... | |
enum | PMDG_NGX_CDU_FLAG : byte { SMALL_FONT = 1 , REVERSE = 2 , DIMMED = 4 } |
A set of flags giving info about a cell on the CDU. More... | |
enum | UserInputType { key , button , menu } |
Specifies a method of user-interaction. More... | |
enum | ModifierKeys : byte { None = 0 , Shift = 1 , Ctrl = 2 , Alt = 4 , ExpectAnotherKey = 8 , Tab = 16 } |
Specifies the key that must be held down. More... | |
enum | StateChange : byte { Off_On , On_Off , Both , Off_On_WithRepeat } |
Specifies a change in the state of a joystick button. More... | |
enum | FsWeatherDynamics : ushort { None = 0 , Low = 1 , Medium = 2 , High = 3 , VeryHigh = 4 } |
The rate of change applied to the current weather by Flight Sim. More... | |
enum | FsCloudType : byte { Type_0 = 0 , Cirrus = 1 , Type_2 = 2 , Type_3 = 3 , Type_4 = 4 , Type_5 = 5 , Type_6 = 6 , Type_7 = 7 , Stratus = 8 , Cumulus = 9 , Cumulonimbus = 10 } |
The type of cloud. More... | |
enum | FsCloudCoverage : byte { None_0 = 0 , Few_1 = 1 , Few_2 = 2 , Scattered_3 = 3 , Scattered_4 = 4 , Broken_5 = 5 , Broken_6 = 6 , Broken_7 = 7 , Overcast_8 = 8 } |
Cloud coverage in octars. More... | |
enum | FsIcing : byte { None = 0 , Trace = 1 , Light = 2 , Moderate = 3 , Severe = 4 } |
Amount of Icing. More... | |
enum | FsPrecipitationType : byte { None = 0 , Rain = 1 , Snow = 2 } |
Precipitation Type. More... | |
enum | FsPrecipitationRate : byte { VeryLow = 0 , Low = 1 , Moderate = 2 , High = 3 , VeryHigh = 4 , Thunderstorm = 5 } |
Precipitation Rate. More... | |
enum | FsTurbulenceLevel : byte { None = 0 , Light = 1 , Moderate = 2 , Heavy = 3 , Severe = 4 } |
Level if turbulence. More... | |
enum | FsWindShearStrength : byte { Gradual = 0 , Moderate = 1 , Steep = 2 , Instantaneous = 3 } |
Wind shear strength. More... | |
enum AITrafficStatus : byte |
The state of an AI Traffic object.
enum ATCIdentifier : byte |
Specifies a format for the ATCIdentifer property on AIPlaneInfo objects.
enum FlightSim |
Flight Simulator Version.
enum FsCloudCoverage : byte |
enum FsCloudType : byte |
The type of cloud.
enum FsControl |
A set of controls for Flight sim.
enum FSFuelTanks |
One of the known possible fuel tanks in Flight Sim.
enum FsIcing : byte |
enum FsPrecipitationRate : byte |
enum FsPrecipitationType : byte |
enum FSRunwayDesignator : byte |
enum FsTurbulenceLevel : byte |
A set of extra controls provided to control the AutoPilot.
For details see the "FSUIPC For Advanced Users" document.
enum FSUIPCControl |
A set of extra controls provided by FSUIPC.
For details see the "FSUIPC For Advanced Users" document.
Enumerator | |
Autobrake_Set | Param=0=RTO, 1=off, 2=1, 3=2, 4=3, 5=Max. |
PVT_voice_transmit_on | for_Squawkbox_3.0.4_or_later |
PVT_voice_transmit_off | for_Squawkbox_3.0.4_or_later |
Key_Press_and_Release | param_is_Keycode_+_256*Shift_code,_or_JsBk |
Key_Press_and_Hold | param_is_Keycode_+_256*Shift_code,_or_JsBk |
Key_Release | (param_is_Keycode_+_256*Shift_code,_or_JsBk) |
FollowMe_please | i.e. request (needs FollowMe V2) |
FollowMe_cancel | needs FollowMe V2 |
FollowMe_continue | needs FollowMe V2 |
ReSimConnect | (re-initialises_SimConnect_interface) |
Efis_NDscale_set | (parameter: 0–7 for 738, 0–5 for A321) (default B738 and A321) |
Efis_ND_mode_set | (parameter 0–2 for 738, 0–3 for A321) (default B738 and A321) |
Efis_ND_mapitem_set | (parameter 0–3) (default B738 and A321) |
Efis_VORADF1_set | (parameter 0–2) (default B738 and A321) |
Efis_VORADF2_set | (parameter 0–2) (default B738 and A321) |
Efis_A321_InHg_hPA | (parameter 0–1) (default A321) |
List_local_panel_variables | List local panel variables (L:vars) in the FSUIPC log when changing aircraft. |
Log_test_options | parameter gives test instructions, for use only under Support direction |
enum FSUIPCError |
The 'traditional' error codes returned by the C version of the FSUIPC Client SDK. These error codes usually get returned in a variable called 'dwResult'. In this library, these error codes are returned in a .NET exception called FSUIPCClientException.
Enumerator | |
FSUIPC_ERR_OK | No error. |
FSUIPC_ERR_OPEN | Attempt to Open() when connection is already open. |
FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS | Cannot link to FSUIPC or WideClient. |
FSUIPC_ERR_REGMSG | Failed to Register common message with Windows. |
FSUIPC_ERR_ATOM | Failed to create Atom for mapping filename. |
FSUIPC_ERR_MAP | Failed to create a file mapping object. |
FSUIPC_ERR_VIEW | Failed to open a view to the file map. |
FSUIPC_ERR_WRONGFS | Flight Sim is not version requested by this application. |
FSUIPC_ERR_NOTOPEN | Attempted to call Process() but the FSUIPC link has not been opened. |
FSUIPC_ERR_NODATA | Call cannot execute: no requests accumulated. |
FSUIPC_ERR_TIMEOUT | IPC SendMessage timed out (all retries) |
FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG | IPC SendMessage failed (all retries) |
FSUIPC_ERR_DATA | IPC request contains bad data. |
FSUIPC_ERR_RUNNING | Wrong version of FSUIPC. Can also occur if running on WideClient but FSUIPC is not running on server. |
FSUIPC_ERR_SIZE | Read or Write request cannot be added to the shared memory file as the file is full. |
FSUIPC_ERR_WRITE_OVERFLOW | Tried to write a string or byte array that was longer than the declared length of this Offset. |
FSUIPC_KEY_SLOTS_FULL | All user input key slots were full. |
FSUIPC_BUTTON_SLOTS_FULL | All user input joystick button slots were full. |
FSUIPC_PARENT_MENU_NOT_FOUND | The Parent menu specified cannot be found. |
FSUIPC_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | The data type cannot be used for offset values. |
FSUIPC_WRITE_OFFSET_NEVER_READ | An attempt was made to write a value to an offset that has never been read. Offsets must be read at least once so thier values are in sync with the Flight Sim. If this offset is only for writing to, mark it as WriteOnly when declaring it. |
FSUIPC_MAKERUNWAYS_FILES_MISSING | The MakeRunways output files could not be found. |
FSUIPC_NO_DATABASE | Database does not exist. |
FSUIPC_FS_NOT_READY | Database does not exist. |
enum FsWeatherDynamics : ushort |
enum FsWindShearStrength : byte |
enum ModifierKeys : byte |
enum OffsetAction |
Specifies an action to be performed by the offset on the next process. Normally Autosense (the default) works perfectly well.
enum PMControl |
A set of control for Project Magenta software.
Please refer to the 'FSUIPC For Advanced Users' document.
enum PMDG_737_NGX_Control |
Controls for all 737 Aircraft from PMDG (NGX, NG3, NGXu etc) and all flight sims (FSX, P3D and MSFS).
Please refer to the PMDG 737 SDK Documentation for more info.
Controls for the 777 Aircraft from PMDG.
Please refer to the PMDG 777 SDK Documentation for more info.
enum PMDG_777X_Control |
Controls for the 777 Aircraft from PMDG.
Please refer to the PMDG 777 SDK Documentation for more info.
enum PMDG_NGX_CDU_COLOR : byte |
enum PMDG_NGX_CDU_FLAG : byte |
enum SendModifierKeys |
enum StateChange : byte |
enum UserInputType |