.NET interface for FSUIPC
FsWindLayer Class Reference

A class representing the settings for a wind layer. More...

Inherits FSUIPCStruct.


ushort UpperAltitudeMetres [get, set]
 The upper altitude in metres of this wind layer.
uint UpperAltitudeFeet [get, set]
 The upper altitude in feet of this wind layer.
double SpeedKnots [get, set]
 The wind speed in Knots.
ushort GustKnots [get, set]
 The maximum speed of wind gusts in knots.
double Direction [get, set]
 The direction (heading) of the wind in Degrees.
FsTurbulenceLevel Turbulence [get, set]
 Turbulence level.
FsWindShearStrength Shear [get, set]
 Windshear strength.
double DirectionVariance [get, set]
 Directional variability (+- this value) in degrees.
ushort GapAboveMetres [get, set]
 This is the gap from the top of surface altitude to first layer's base in Metres. GapAbove is ignored in layers other than the surface layer, and needs FSUIC 4.748 or 3.998k minimum.
uint GapAboveFeet [get, set]
 This is the gap from the top of surface altitude to first layer's base in Feet. GapAbove is ignored in layers other than the surface layer, and needs FSUIC 4.748 or 3.998k minimum.

Detailed Description

A class representing the settings for a wind layer.

Property Documentation

◆ GapAboveFeet

uint GapAboveFeet

This is the gap from the top of surface altitude to first layer's base in Feet. GapAbove is ignored in layers other than the surface layer, and needs FSUIC 4.748 or 3.998k minimum.

Note that the actual unit used by Flight Sim is Metres, therefore this value will be rounded to the nearest Metre.

◆ UpperAltitudeFeet

uint UpperAltitudeFeet

The upper altitude in feet of this wind layer.

Note that the actual unit used by Flight Sim is Metres, therefore this value will be rounded to the nearest Metre.