string | ICAO [get, set] |
| The ICAO Code of the airport this belongs to.
FsRunwayID | ID [get, set] |
| The number of the runway (e.g. 27L)
FsAirport | Airport [get, set] |
| The FsAriport object that this runway belongs to.
double | LengthFeet [get, set] |
| The length of the runway in Feet.
double | LengthMetres [get] |
| The length of the runway in Metres.
double | WidthFeet [get, set] |
| The width of the runway in Feet.
double | WidthMetres [get] |
| the width of the runway in Metres
double | HeadingMagnetic [get, set] |
| The Magnetic Heading of the runway.
double | HeadingTrue [get] |
| The True Heading of the runway.
FsSurface | Surface [get, set] |
| The type of surface the runway has.
FsILSInfo | ILSInfo [get, set] |
| Information about the ILS facilities installed for the runway. If no ILS is installed this property is null (Nothing in VB)
FsLatLonPoint | ThresholdLocation [get, set] |
| The Longitude/Latitude of runway threshold.
double | ThresholdOffsetFeet [get, set] |
| The distance from the threshold to the real start of the runway in Feet.
double | ThresholdOffsetMetres [get] |
| The distance from the threshold to the real start of the runway in Metres.
FsLatLonPoint | StartLocation [get, set] |
| The FlightSim's start location for this runway. Used to position the player for takeoff.
bool | ClosedForLanding [get, set] |
| True if this runway is closed to landing traffic.
bool | ClosedForTakeoff [get, set] |
| True if this runway is closed to traffic taking off.
FsRunwayLightsInfo | LightsInfo [get, set] |
| Information about all the lights for this runway.
FsRunwayPatternInfo | PatternInfo [get, set] |
| Information about the take-off and landing pattern for this runway.
FsLatLonQuadrilateral | Bounds [get] |
| An FsLatLonQuadrilateral defining the Lat/Lon of the four corners of the runway.
double | DistanceNauticalMiles [get] |
| The distance to this runway's threshold in Nautical Miles.
double | DistanceFeet [get] |
| The distance to this runway's threshold in Feet.
double | DistanceMetres [get, set] |
| The distance to this runway's threshold in Metres.
double | BearingToTrue [get, set] |
| The bearing in degrees TRUE to the threshold of this runway.
double | BearingToMagnetic [get, set] |
| The bearing in degrees MAGNETIC to the threshold of this runway.
bool | IsPlayerOnRunway [get, set] |
| True if the player's aircraft is currently on the runway. (Must be on the ground).
AIPlaneInfo | AIPlaneOnRunway [get, set] |
| The AIPlaneInfo of the AI Traffic Plane that is currently on this runway. If no AI Traffic is on this runway then it will be null (Nothing in VB).
AIPlaneInfoCollection | AITrafficArrivals = new AIPlaneInfoCollection() [get, set] |
| A list of AIPlaneInfo representing the AI Traffic Planes that are currently assigned to arrive on this runway.
AIPlaneInfoCollection | AITrafficDepartrures = new AIPlaneInfoCollection() [get, set] |
| A list of AIPlaneInfo representing the AI Traffic Planes that are currently assigned to depart from this runway.
FsTaxiwayIntersectionCollection< FsTaxiway > | TaxiwayIntersections [get, set] |
| Returns a list of taxiways at this airport that intersect with this runway.
A class holding all the information about a runway.