Represents an Quadrilateral area in FS bounded by four Latitude/Longitude coordinates. Note that only Convex Quadrilateral shapes will work properly. Concave shapes will not. For concave shapes use FsLatLonPolygon instead.
| FsLatLonQuadrilateral (FsLatLonPoint P0, FsLatLonPoint P1, FsLatLonPoint P2, FsLatLonPoint P3) |
| Creates a FsLatLonQuadrilateral from four FsLatLonPoints. Each point represents a corner of the quad. The quad must be convex. The points can be specified in any order.
bool | ContainsPoint (FsLatLonPoint point) |
| Calculates whether or not the given point in contained in this Quadrilateral.
override string | ToString () |
| The four latitude and longitude points (corners) represented as a string in the default format of N|S|E|W dd* mm.mmmm'.
string | ToString (bool HemisphereAsText, string DetailLevel, short DecimalPlaces) |
| The four latitude and longitude points (corners) represented as a string in the specified format.
static FsLatLonQuadrilateral | FromCenterMetres (FsLatLonPoint CenterPoint, double HeightMetres, double WidthMetres) |
| Creates a new FsLatLonQuadrilateral of a given height and width, around a given centre point.
static FsLatLonQuadrilateral | FromCenterFeet (FsLatLonPoint CenterPoint, double HeightFeet, double WidthFeet) |
| Creates a new FsLatLonQuadrilateral of a given height and width, around a given centre point.
static FsLatLonQuadrilateral | FromCenterNauticalMiles (FsLatLonPoint CenterPoint, double HeightNauticalMiles, double WidthNauticalMiles) |
| Creates a new FsLatLonQuadrilateral of a given height and width, around a given centre point.
static FsLatLonQuadrilateral | ForTaxiway (FsLatLonPoint StartPoint, double StartWidth, FsLatLonPoint EndPoint, double EndWidth) |
| Create a new FsLatLonQuadrilateral from one point to another. The widths at each end can be specified.
static FsLatLonQuadrilateral | ForRunway (FsLatLonPoint ThresholdCentre, Double HeadingTrue, double WidthInFeet, double LengthInFeet) |
| Creates a new bounding rectangle for a runway given the common information provided in MakeRunways.exe by Pete Dowson.
FsLatLonLineSegment[] | LineSegments [get] |
| An array of 4 FsLineSegments representing each line of the Quadrilateral. Starting at the line running NW to NE, going clockwise.
FsLatLonPoint | NE [get] |
| A FsLatLonPoint representing the North Eastern corner of this Quadrilateral.
FsLatLonPoint | SE [get] |
| A FsLatLonPoint representing the South Eastern corner of this Quadrilateral.
FsLatLonPoint | SW [get] |
| A FsLatLonPoint representing the South Western corner of this Quadrilateral.
FsLatLonPoint | NW [get] |
| A FsLatLonPoint representing the North Western corner of this Quadrilateral.
FsLatitude | LatitudeMaximum [get] |
| The maximum latitude covered by this Quad (most northerly)
FsLatitude | LatitudeMinimum [get] |
| The minimum latitude covered by this Quad (most southerly)
FsLongitude | LongitudeMaximum [get] |
| the maximum longitude covered by this Quad (most easterly)
FsLongitude | LongitudeMinimum [get] |
| The minimum longitude covered by this Quad (most westerly)
Represents an Quadrilateral area in FS bounded by four Latitude/Longitude coordinates. Note that only Convex Quadrilateral shapes will work properly. Concave shapes will not. For concave shapes use FsLatLonPolygon instead.