.NET interface for FSUIPC
FsHelipad Class Reference

A class holding all the information about a helipad. More...

Public Member Functions

override string ToString ()
 Get the a string representation of the Helipad ID.
 FsHelipad ()
 Creates a new instance of FsHelipad.
void MoveAircraftHere (bool LeavePaused)
 Moves the player's aircraft to this helipad.

Public Attributes

string ID
 The ID of the helipad.


string ICAO [get, set]
 The ICAO Code of the airport this belongs to.
FsAirport Airport [get, set]
 The FsAirport object that this gate belongs to.
FsLatLonPoint Location [get, set]
 The longitude and latitude of the helipad.
double AltitudeFeet [get, set]
 The altitude of the helipad in Feet.
double AltitudeMetres [get]
 The altitude of the helipad in Metres.
double HeadingMagnetic [get]
 The heading of the helipad in degrees MAGNETIC.
double HeadingTrue [get, set]
 The heading of the helipad in degrees True.
double LengthFeet [get, set]
 The length of the helipad in Feet.
double LengthMetres [get]
 The length of the helipad in Metres.
double WidthFeet [get, set]
 The width of the helipad in Feet.
double WidthMetres [get]
 The width of the helipad in Metres.
FsSurface Surface [get, set]
 The surface type of this helipad.
FsLatLonQuadrilateral Bounds [get]
 An FsLatLonQuadrilateral representing the lat/lon of the four corners of the helipad.
double DistanceNauticalMiles [get]
 The distance to this helipad in Nautical Miles.
double DistanceFeet [get]
 The distance to this helipad in Feet.
double DistanceMetres [get, set]
 The distance to this helipad in Metres.
double BearingToTrue [get, set]
 The bearing in degrees TRUE to this helipad.
double BearingToMagnetic [get, set]
 The bearing in degrees MAGNETIC to this helipad.
bool IsPlayerOnHelipad [get, set]
 True if the player's aircraft is currently on the helipad. (Must be on the ground).
FsHelipadType Type [get, set]
 The type of marking for the helipad. e.g. Circle, H, Medical etc.
bool Closed [get, set]
 True if the helipad is closed to traffic.
FsTaxiwayIntersectionCollection< FsTaxiwayTaxiwayIntersections [get, set]
 Returns a list of taxiways at this airport that intersect with this helipad.

Detailed Description

A class holding all the information about a helipad.

Member Function Documentation

◆ MoveAircraftHere()

void MoveAircraftHere ( bool LeavePaused)

Moves the player's aircraft to this helipad.

LeavePausedSet to True to leave the FlightSim paused after moving the aircraft.

◆ ToString()

override string ToString ( )

Get the a string representation of the Helipad ID.


Property Documentation

◆ BearingToMagnetic

double BearingToMagnetic

The bearing in degrees MAGNETIC to this helipad.

NOTE: this is only filled in if a reference position has been set

◆ BearingToTrue

double BearingToTrue

The bearing in degrees TRUE to this helipad.

NOTE: this is only filled in if a reference position has been set

◆ DistanceFeet

double DistanceFeet

The distance to this helipad in Feet.

NOTE: this is only filled in if a reference position has been set

◆ DistanceMetres

double DistanceMetres

The distance to this helipad in Metres.

NOTE: this is only filled in if a reference position has been set

◆ DistanceNauticalMiles

double DistanceNauticalMiles

The distance to this helipad in Nautical Miles.

NOTE: this is only filled in if a reference position has been set

◆ IsPlayerOnHelipad

bool IsPlayerOnHelipad

True if the player's aircraft is currently on the helipad. (Must be on the ground).

NOTE: this is only filled in if the reference position has been set to the current player postion

◆ TaxiwayIntersections

FsTaxiwayIntersectionCollection<FsTaxiway> TaxiwayIntersections

Returns a list of taxiways at this airport that intersect with this helipad.

Only populated after calling CalculateTaxiwayIntersection() method on the FsAriport object