string | ICAO [get, set] |
| The ICAO Code of the airport this belongs to.
string | ID [get, set] |
| The ID of the Gate.
string | Name [get, set] |
| The Name of the gate as specified in the BGL file.
string | Number [get, set] |
| The number of the gate as specified in the BGL file.
FsAirport | Airport [get, set] |
| The FsAirport object that this gate belongs to.
double | RadiusFeet [get] |
| The radius of the gate area in Feet.
double | RadiusMetres [get, set] |
| The radius of the gate area in Metres.
FsLatLonPoint | Location [get, set] |
| The latitude and longitude of the centre of the gate area.
double | HeadingMagnetic [get] |
| The MAGNETIC heading of the gate (the direction the aircraft is facing when parked at the gate).
double | HeadingTrue [get, set] |
| The TRUE heading of the gate (the direction the aircraft is facing when parked at the gate).
FsGateType | Type [get, set] |
| The type of gate.
FsLatLonCircle | Bounds [get] |
| A FsLatLonCircle representing the area covered by this gate.
double | DistanceNauticalMiles [get] |
| The distance to this gate's centre point in Nautical Miles.
double | DistanceFeet [get] |
| The distance to this gate's centre point in Feet.
double | DistanceMetres [get, set] |
| The distance to this gate's centre point in Metres.
double | BearingToTrue [get, set] |
| The bearing in degrees TRUE to this gate's centre point.
double | BearingToMagnetic [get, set] |
| The bearing in degrees MAGNETIC to this gate's centre point.
bool | IsPlayerAtGate [get, set] |
| True if the player's aircraft is currently in the gate area.
bool | IsAIPlaneAtGate [get, set] |
| True if there is an AI Traffic Plane currently parked at this gate. Use AIPlaneAssigned to get the AIPlaneInfo.
AIPlaneInfo | AIPlaneAssigned [get, set] |
| The AIPlaneInfo of the AI Traffic Plane that is currently assigned to, or at this gate. If no AI Traffic is assigned to, or at this gate then it will be null (Nothing in VB). Check IsAIPlaneAtGate to see if the plane is currently at the gate or not.
List< string > | Airlines = new List<string>() [get, set] |
| A list of Airlines that use this gate.
FsTaxiwayIntersectionCollection< FsTaxiway > | TaxiwayIntersections [get, set] |
| Returns a list of taxiways at this airport that intersect with this gate.
A class holding all the information about an airport gate.