.NET interface for FSUIPC
FsVisibilityLayer Class Reference

A class representing the settings for a visibility layer. More...

Inherits FSUIPCStruct.


ushort UpperAltitudeMetres [get, set]
 The upper altitude for this layer in Metres.
uint UpperAltitudeFeet [get, set]
 The upper altitude for this layer in Feet.
short LowerAltitudeMetres [get, set]
 The lower altitude for this later in Metres.
int LowerAltitudeFeet [get, set]
 The lower altitude for this layer in Feet.
double RangeStatuteMiles [get, set]
 The range of visibility for this layer in Statute Miles (accurate to 1/100 of a Mile)
double RangeNauticalMiles [get, set]
 The range of visibility for this layer in Nautical Miles.
double RangeKilometres [get, set]
 The range of visibility for this layer in Kilometres.

Detailed Description

A class representing the settings for a visibility layer.

Property Documentation

◆ LowerAltitudeFeet

int LowerAltitudeFeet

The lower altitude for this layer in Feet.

Note that the actual unit used by Flight Sim is Metres, therefore this value will be rounded to the nearest Metre.

◆ LowerAltitudeMetres

short LowerAltitudeMetres

The lower altitude for this later in Metres.

Must be Non-Zero (can be -tve) or layer will be ignored.

◆ RangeKilometres

double RangeKilometres

The range of visibility for this layer in Kilometres.

Note that the actual unit used by Flight Sim is 1/100th of a Statute Mile, therefore this value will be rounded to the nearest 100th of a Statute Mile.

◆ RangeNauticalMiles

double RangeNauticalMiles

The range of visibility for this layer in Nautical Miles.

Note that the actual unit used by Flight Sim is 1/100th of a Statute Mile, therefore this value will be rounded to the nearest 100th of a Statute Mile.

◆ UpperAltitudeFeet

uint UpperAltitudeFeet

The upper altitude for this layer in Feet.

Note that the actual unit used by Flight Sim is Metres, therefore this value will be rounded to the nearest Metre.